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سيستضيف فريقنا من مدربي حراس المرمى ذوي الخبرة الدولية سلسلة من معسكرات وعيادات حراس المرمى في جميع أنحاء منطقة واشنطن العاصمة الكبرى خلال صيف عام 2022. للحصول على معلومات مفصلة حول متى وأين ستعقد كل عيادة ، يرجى ترك معلوماتك أدناه. سنتواصل معك لإبلاغك بآخر المستجدات حول العيادات التي نقدمها والتي تناسب موقع اللاعب وعمره ومستوى خبرته. سنرد خلال 48 ساعة. شكرا لك.
أكاديمية ميد أتلانتيك الرياضية
صيف 2022
عيادة حارس المرمى
Our Goalkeeper Program is a great choice for developing goalkeepers of all ages and levels players who
are looking to further development their skills as a player.
We focus on every aspect of the position. Each segment of our sessions will be broken down into
specific units that serve to challenge the ability of each participating goalkeeper.
Whether you’re still contemplating whether playing in goal is the right position for you, or you’re a
seasoned goalkeeper who’s playing at a competitive level, we offer training that is structured to help
advance your skills.
Our Goalkeeper Program is focused on the following:
- Communication.
- Positional Awareness.
- Verbal Commands.
- Posture.
- Foot Placement & Controlled Movement.
- Timing and Threat Assessment.
- Collapse Dives.
- Extension Dives.
- Grips: W-Grip, Diamond-Grip, Baskets, Scooping, Front-Smothers, etc.
- Reflexes and Hand-Eye Coordination.
- Launching and Air Durability.
- Ball Distribution.
- Terminology (Understanding Soccer and GK Terms, and how to apply them in verbal commands.)
- New/Recently Updated Rules on The Game, and How it Affects Goalkeepers.
- Finger and Wrist Taping.
- Glove Care
- Additional Questions and Needs from The Players Will also be Addressed.
- Proper hydration breaks, warm-ups, and cool-downs are also a top priority for us.